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Transforme las siguientes oraciones afirmativas en oraciones interrogativas)
a. There are two new students in our class.
b. There is a meeting today at seven.
c. There is a book on the table.
d. There are three books on the table.
e. There is a bank in my neighborhood.
f. There are a lot of apples in the fridge.
g. There is a TV in my house.
h. There are beds in my bedroom.
i. There is a large living room.
j. There are people in the classroom.
ayudeme pliss

Sagot :

a. Are there two new ......etc?

b. Is there a meeting.......etc.?

c.Is there a book.........etc?

d. Are there three books........etc.?

e. Is there a bank......etc.?

f. Are there a lot of ........etc.?

g. Is there a tv........etc?

h. Are there beds......etc?

i. Is there a large.......etc.?

j. Are there people.......etc.?

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