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Aquí te dejo un texto sobre reciclaje en el verbo "to be":
"Recycling is essential to be a responsible citizen. The Earth is our home and it needs to be protected. The waste we produce needs to be reduced, reused and recycled to be environmentally friendly. Plastic, paper and glass can be recycled to be transformed into new products. This helps to conserve natural resources and reduce landfill waste. By recycling, we can make a difference and be part of a sustainable future. We need to be aware of our actions and take responsibility to be a better world."
En este texto, el verbo "to be" se utiliza en diferentes formas, como:
- "is" (recycling is essential)
- "needs to be" (the Earth needs to be protected)
- "can be" (plastic, paper and glass can be recycled)
- "helps to be" (this helps to conserve natural resources and reduce landfill waste)
- "can make a difference and be" (we can make a difference and be part of a sustainable future)
- "need to be" (we need to be aware of our actions)
El verbo "to be" se utiliza para describir estados, condiciones y situaciones, lo que es perfecto para hablar sobre el tema del reciclaje y la responsabilidad ambiental.
espero que sea de tu ayuda ^^
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