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Complete the conversations. 1. A: Who's over there? B: my teacher, Mr. Muncy. 2. A: Is your laptop? B: No, Sira's laptop. 3. A: Wow! sunglasses are cool! B: Yes, but they're expensive. ones over there are nice, and they're cheap. 4. A: Are your keys in the door? B: No. are my keys here.

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Aquí tienes las conversaciones completas:

1. A: Who's over there?

B: **It's** my teacher, Mr. Muncy.

2. A: Is **this** your laptop?

B: No, **it's** Sira's laptop.

3. A: Wow! **Those** sunglasses are cool!

B: Yes, but they're expensive. **The** ones over there are nice, and they're cheap.

4. A: Are your keys in the door?

B: No. **Here** are my keys.


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