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Sagot :
1) Is there a cinema (?) There is a cinema () There isn't a cinema (X)
2) Is there a bike?/There is a bike/There isn't a bike.
3) Are there two schools?/There are two schools/There aren't two schools.
4) Is there a car?/There is a car/There isn't a car.
5) Are there five shops?/There are five shops/There aren't five shops.
6) Is there a museum?/There is a museum./There isn't a museum.
7) Are there a lot a of trees?/There are a lot of trees/There aren't a lot of trees.
8) Are there two supermarkets?/There are two supermarkets/There aren't two supermarkets.
9) Is there a school?/There is a school/There isn't a school.
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