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Sagot :
Escribimos diez oraciones en presente continuo utilizando verbos del listado propuesto:
Recordamos: "fórmula "subject to be+verb+ing".
1. walk: I am walking to the park
2. touch: She is touching her hair.
3. sleep: We are sleeping in bed.
4. ask: You are asking too much.
5. visit: They are visiting the museum.
6. buy: He is buying the ice cream.
7. play: I am playing video games.
8. grow: She is growing too fast.
9. call: I am calling to order a pizza.
10. go: We are going to the cinema.
11. drink: He is drinking smoothie.
12. read: They are reading books.
13. accept: I am accepting the lost.
14. talk: She is talking with her sisters.
15. clean: I am cleaning the house.
16. tell: He is telling histories.
17. listen: You are listening rock and roll.
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