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Sagot :
When the Spaniards set foot in the New World, the population abounded
indigenous. However, the distribution of the population was uneven, Mesoamerica being
America and the central Andes are the points of maximum population concentration,
have reached there the American autochthonous societies the highest levels of
economic, social, political and cultural organization. Depending on the case, this distribution
the population facilitated or hindered the Spanish conquest of America, and
It also affected further colonization. The presence of an extensive po¬
Native American blation molded both the conquest itself and the structures
colonial. It would be this same mass of the population that, in turn, would influence
the process of demographic change. The interaction between population and colonization
constitutes the central theme of this chapter, in which the three centuries of es-
paflol have been divided into two parts. The first deals with the initial, brusque contact
violent, between invaders and invaded, which was followed by an abrupt decline
of the Native American population. The intensity and reasons for
the catastrophe. This section also considers the impact of Euro¬
Pea and Africana in the New World during the sixteenth and first half of the seventeenth centuries.
The second section examines the slow recovery of the Indian population, mediated
colonial era, and the rapid expansion of the mestizo and white population, especially
mind in the eighteenth century. The chapter concludes with an examination of the peculiarities
regions of the Spanish American population at the end of the colonial era.
Cuando los espafioles pusieron pie en el Nuevo Mundo, abundaba la poblacion
indi'gena. Sin embargo, la distribucion de la poblacion era desigual, siendo Mesoa-
merica y los Andes centrales los puntos de maxima concentration poblacional, al
haber alcanzado alii las sociedades autoctonas americanas los mas altos niveles de
organization economica, social, politica y cultural. Segun los casos, esta distribu¬
cion de la poblacion facilito o entorpecio la conquista espaflola de America, y re-
percutio igualmente sobre la ulterior colonizacion. La presencia de una extensa po¬
blacion indi'gena americana molded tanto la propia conquista como las estructuras
coloniales. Seria esta misma masa de poblacion la que, a su vez, incidiria sobre
el proceso de cambio demografico. La interaction entre poblacion y colonizacion
constituye el tema central de este capitulo, en el cual los tres siglos de dominio es-
paflol han sido divididos en dos partes. La primera trata del contacto inicial, brus-
co y violento, entre invasores e invadidos, que fue seguido por una abrupta mengua
de la poblacion nativa americana. Se discute aqui la intensidad y las razones de
la catastrofe. Esta section considera ademas la repercusion de la inmigracion euro¬
pea y africana en el Nuevo Mundo durante el siglo xvi y primera mitad del xvn.
La segunda section examina la lenta recuperacion de la poblacion india, mediada
la era colonial, y la expansidn rapida de la poblacion mestiza y blanca, especial-
mente en el siglo xvm. El capftulo concluye con un examen de las peculiaridades
regionales de la poblacidn hispanoamericana a finales de la era colonial.
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