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a Read the article. What happens on "Singles' Day" in Shanghai?
"Singles' Day"
in Shanghai
November 11 is "Singles' Day" in Shanghai, and every year a dating
event takes place where all the single men and women of the city
have the chance to meet a partner. Last year, it was so popular that
the organizers had to close online registration because there were
no more places.
Between 10,000 and 40,000 people attend the event every year.
It's held in a district of Shanghai called Thames Town. At least 50
dating agencies take part. They set up stands in the town hall with
billboards displaying cards with the height, birth date, education, and
annual income of thousands of clients. People who did not manage
to register for the event organize their own unofficial dating system
by writing their names and phone numbers on pieces of paper and
attaching them to the fence outside the town hall.
More people take part in "Singles' Day" every year because of the
growing number of single adults in Shanghai. In the city, more than
24 percent of people over the age of 15 are unmarried.
b Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true)
or F (false).
1 The people who take part in "Singles' Day"
aren't married.
2 Many people register for the event on
the Internet.
3 All of the dating events are in the town hall.
4 People who don't register for the event can't
find a partner on "Singles Day."
5 Every year, there are more single adults