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Unit 7 – Crime Doesn’t Pay Read the news story to answer questions 1 to 4. Drugged Baby Orangutan Found in Man’s Luggage at Bali Airport Police have arrested a tourist attempting to smuggle a drugged two-year-old orangutan out of Bali, Indonesia, in his suitcase to bring home as a pet. The man, identified as Russian national Andrei Zhestkov, was detained in Denpasar airport late on Friday while attempting to pass through a security checkpoint before a flight back to Russia. He told the Indonesian authorities that he had purchased the orangutan for $3,000 at a market on Java, the country’s main island, after a friend said he could bring it home as a pet. He said he had fed the animal allergy pills mixed with milk, causing it to lose consciousness for up to three hours, an official with Bali’s conservation agency told reporters. Officials said that the suitcase also contained two live geckos and five live lizards. Mr. Zhestkov, 27, could face up to five years in prison and $7,000 in fines for smuggling. He has not yet been charged because the police are still investigating whether he had ties to wildlife trafficking syndicates. Orangutans, which live on the Indonesian and Malaysian sides of the island of Borneo, as well as the Indonesian island of Sumatra, are an endangered species. Only about 13,400 Sumatran orangutans remain in the wild, according to the A.P. Question 1 Answer according to the text. a Where was the smuggler from? ______________________________________________________________________ b How old is he? ______________________________________________________________________ c Where was the man arrested? ______________________________________________________________________ d How much did the man pay for the orangutan? ______________________________________________________________________ e What did he use to drug the animal? ______________________________________________________________________